Softlite Buyers Guide

Softboards are the perfect choice for kids! We've kept them in mind when developing our range and have a number of suitable options for any grommets first board.

We get asked a lot of questions about sizing and which boards are most suitable, so we thought we'd put together a quick guide.

Firstly, here's a couple of reason's why a softboard is a good choice in the first place:


Softboards generally have a bit more volume making them paddle fast and extremely stable. This makes them ideal for learning. It also means, that if they grow and improve their skills at a similar rate, you should get good longevity out of the boards.


Softboards feature a Soft Deck, Soft Rails and Soft Fins. This makes them the perfect board choice for kids just getting into surfing.

Depending on regulations in you area, this also means you can surf area's where fibreglass boards are banned, making it a much safer environment to learn in.


They are tough! Softboards are a bit less susceptible to wear and tear compared to fibreglass boards. Smaller dings generally do not require fixing or do not hamper board performance.


Softboards are cheaper to buy than fibreglass boards. This is handy if they progress quickly from a softboard, or just don't end up getting into surfing at all.

Board Recommendations

While we give sizing suggestions on a lot of our boards, we do bend the rules slightly for kids.

As they are pretty agile & often light for their size, some boards which we do not recommend for Beginner Adults, are ideal for kids.

These boards have a bit less volume so are easier for the kids to paddle and control once they start to improve.

For each of these size suggestions, we'd recommend:

Pop Stick Model if they / you are confident they will pick surfing up quick.

Chop Stick Model if their confidence / co-ordination is about average.

Koolite Model to make the first steps of surfing as easy as possible.

still not sure? Hit us up!

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